All white is alright, and u never steer wrong with a timeless khaki trench coat or trousers.
We American girls love our layers, we love our glamor and we love to be relaxed. What I have said about Micheal before is that he seems as if he enjoys flattering a woman's appetite for dress as oppose to just providing what he thinks we have to wear. Luv it!!
Before the beautiful gems arrive that are Ralph Lauren's 2011 spring Collection. I have to tell you that he is hands down my favorite American designer Maybe even global. The bone I may have with him is his size issue(or My lack there of issue),and his lack of imagination when it comes to designing for his plus size line. But other than that, the man is gold. If I could afford it I would wear Polo everyday all day and anything blue label black label any label he was attached to I would wear. For his spring things, he was westward bound. Taking lace and frilly things, bold buckled belts with tasseled skirts,jackets, and bags to a new Ralph Lauren Level.
I am dubbing this yellow, "Tombstone" yellow and it worked the runway effortlessly. The urban cowboy can have his urban cowgirl and they can ride off in the cow-jet to their destination.
This suede tassel fringed jacket is beautifully crafted. It puts you home on the range, where they are serving caviar no doubt but still some hay some horses you get it don't you. He takes you back in time where beautiful crocheted lace dresses dust the floor. The white keeps it light and flexible for spring.
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue... The old is this first look which is a staple with RL this long skirt with pageboy hat and men's tailored jacket, the new is the strategically ripped jean in the hue of the season beige,tan ,camel,whatever color you call it, and the blue is this darling blue sweater coat perfect for spring nights. Love it!
Fashion does not have to be complicated. It just has to be beautiful. Ralph captures the simplicity of women well. after all we wear the garment it does not wear us. I like clothes that only add to my character not turn me into one. Some can pull it off but for me the simpler the better. Don't get me wrong I am daring and edgy with fashion but a good fashionista is not only able to evolve herself, but know keenly what works best for her and what she should never ever ever try. All these day to evening and evening looks I would wear in a heart beat. Not just because its Ralph but because I like simple elegance, and any designer I love you will hear me say just that. Even my more flashy designers I love still display factors that will keep them is the Classic category with me!! until next time darlings ... Dior La Gucci!!!!
P.S in Le Fash'ion language Polo means fresh...example sentence "Oh so you just goin Polo mouth me cause your girl is here?
or... " Oui oui, Madame the sushi rolls were polo made." Because is Le fashion Polo means Fresh
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